Disclamer: Please take into account Im actually an hobby individual, not a « big » software compagny, but i ll do my best to answer any questions and fix any potential problems within 1 working day if faq didn’t solve so please take time to check points listed bellow if can help adress your question first.
If problem with license please include MachineId number in your message.
(Clic about button on the plugin->getMachineId->paste in bellow field or message)
I cannot give any status on eventual osx x86 or arm ports.
I DO clearly know many people want mac versions, and I will provide informations on website when/ IF available or if a port is on the way.
Actually it is not planned.
Verify in your daw manual on how to setup custom vst folders locations and make sure the plugin is located in one of those daw scanned folders.
Note some daws (ie studio one, FL studio) don’t let users use custom folders for vst3 and expect Vst3 versions to be placed specifically in:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\ folder.
If for some reason plugin still fails to be scanned in daw, install microsoft VC redistrib X64 version on top of this page: –> microsoft vc redist.
Ableton Live PDC currently doesn’t compensate the clock synced plugins receive, while it delays audio, as a result audio can appear offseted from the grid.
Live uncompensated pdc clock – official acknowledge
Psyscope has a manual offset compensation to readjust as a workaround, please refer to exemple provided here:
Psyscope pro tutorial
How to know ableton devices/plugins latency
Note this is NOT a psyscope problem but an Ableton problem. ALL vst relying on VstTimeInfo suffer of similar implementation issue, I personally have adressed this back to ableton forums more than 10 years ago. .They fixed automation/modulation since 9.2 but still not vst clock pdc as of now.(consider bitwig if too boring :p) and maybe worth pressuring them for this as a sereve design flaw to be fixed, affecting many, many modern vsts making use of transport..(sidechainers, scopes, glitchers, synced fx ect)
Ableton pdc problem
Log into your account and follow provided procedure description.–> user account
Psycope users:
Make sure license file is placed in same folder as the plugin you use.
In case of doubts launch a file search ie PsyScope_Pro* in computer and either make sure there is only one .dll vst2 plugin file or one .vst3 vts3 plugin file and place license in same folder OR copy the license file in each folder where plugins are located if using both vst2 and vst3. Note the License file must correspond to the machineId you see on about section->getmachineId. you can enter that machineId in your account in « machineID » field and press « activate license » button to generate and download license file for that specific hardware.
Make sure if showing files extensions in brower options that license file is named psyscope.licence (vs not made a copy like psyscope(1).license or psyscope-copy-.license when saved the file without overwritting older license file).
Please carefully check your spam/junk mail folder as sadly some providers often mark server generated mails as spam. (for ex if gmail, type in:spam in top gmail searchbar, it’s different than promotions tab).
If no mail go to the user account, press ‘forgot password », enter your e-mail adress to force a reset link re-send and check spam folder within 5mn.
If still no mail, use that contact form indicating your purchasing email (only your email adress) and we ll sort it out quicly.
Note: if you already bought a different product by the past, no account mail will be sent: your account remain the same with same username/pass, you can log into it and will see the new product(s) added in your products list.
By default PsyscopePro should work in Bitwig exept if you configured sandboxing to be per unique plugin as instances need to share same process memory. Check in settings/Plugins that it’s set either to ‘together’ or ‘by manufacturer’ with no overrides on psyscope making it being hosted individually.
In traktion – other daws using sandboxing –
should disable plugins sandboxing as well. check your daw manual on how to disable sandboxing.
-How many machines can i install the plugin on?
Price is for 1 ‘user’ license, that allows to install the plugin on 2 differents machines generating by himself 2 licenses files in user account.
_Do I need internet connection to use the plugin?
No , you only need an internet connection to generate the challenge code/response license for a specific machine once, then once the license file is downloaded it can be used on that machine offline with no internet connection.
_Are Licenses floating – can be swapped between machines?
No, the plugin doesn’t connect to internet for licenses check, and there are no online license server running. You basically have 2 local files for 2 used static machines ie desktop and laptop. Licenses are static files tied to hardware identifier and are not floating nor can technically be ‘desactivated / moved’ , It would require a much more technically complex and pricey online mechanism i cannot afford for now. Most are relatively low volumes sales , made by a hobby dev not a 300e daw by a big software compagny so i hope that can be understandable^^.
_What if I change my computer?
Use contact form indicating your new magineID and ill process the swap within 1 working day.
Side note: I understand this can be slightly boring to not let user free control of changing licenses himself, but please also understand that’s only a mail for you to send, only when you change your computer, while that let me check there is no license abuse aka allows me to keep on providing free plugin updates. You might be a loyal user that wouldn’t generate unlimited licenses, if i let that ability, probably, but sadly that’s not the case for everyone in this world, so i think this is a descent compromise to keep plugins not requiring internet connection with a complex license server, that would also imply higher product prices, maintenance and much more potential technical issues, bigger team and shit. I can understand some won’t like such system and i would recommand to please consider a different bigger compagny product if that really is a ‘deal breaker’ for you. So far i haven’t had any problems with users as everyone played fair , and i think users are pretty happy of the products and service.
Feel free to contact me for any non- adressed yet question.
Psyscope pro use a routing free system and only got a stereo input that is normal.
so on ‘normal’ daws man just drop a new instance on a track and they ‘wirelessly’ internally connect.
In Reason for similar results and route several channels, drop several instances and connect wanted input signals to each differents instances LR pairs.
When using vst3 with compatible daws, it’s possible to automatically set sounds colors from aquired daw track color so that if track color changes in daw it will be reflected in the plugin. This option is enabled by default in skin button -> « use daw color ».
If you want to use a custom skin instead, untick that option, go to skin editor, set skin as wanted and save the project. If want all later on projects to use that skin clic « save dft » to save as a default skin. You can also save/recall differents skin files using save/load buttons.
Make sure your daw doesn’t apply a default preset to new dropped psycope instance, or that you don’t duplicate tracks but drop ‘fresh’ plugin from the plugin browser (as it would embed stored datas including an id, making the plugin trying to re-order itself in instances list).
If so delete existing default preset, refer to your daw manual on how to proceed. for ex in bitwig follow this procedure:
Bitwig – how to delete a device default preset –
By default Psyscope is set to use an Hi refresh rate, Go to about section and choose a lower refresh rate in drop-down menu if experiencing some gui lags.
On FL due to the way FL ask plugin random sized buffers unlike other daws, paint optimisations cannot work with secure summing option enabled. I recommand to set that option off, or lower refresh rate.
As there are many updates that could have reported bugfixed
please first make sure you use latest product version checkin product page.
I won't reply to any MAC OSX related messages