PsyScope free is a multi-track synced oscilloscope plugin inspired from PsyLab build-in scope.
_4x stereo inputs for multi channels checking.
_ Show individual or overlapped layers , from L, R, or mono sum.
_ Show the summed result.
_ Zoom ‘ n ‘ scroll for precise inspecting, up to sample rez.
_Datas infos: max peak, under mouse db value, ms, beat, sample positions..
_ 3 Skins included that can be customized with state saved to daw per instance.
_ Latency offset setting for daws that don’t report correct PPQ timming.
_Full vector resizable UI.
Note this project is no more updated. A more advanced version called PsyScope Pro, that doesn’t require manual routing, adds multi-track spectrum, provides visualizing of up to 16 signals and many more features n frequent updates can be found clicking here.
PsyScope Free vs Pro limitations:
_Only 4x signals | works only on stereo tracks
_Manual routing
_Vst 2 only (no daw tracks colors/names)
_Fixed aspect ratio / no full screen mode
_No dual waves LR/MS views
_No Mid Side
_No Stack view
_No Spectrum / collisions detection
_No Spectrogram
_No Corrolometer
_No Vu meters – Lufs Ebu metering
_No Measure segment mode
_No Phase invert / auto scroll
_No Custom ref dB and time lines
_No Bounce to wave
_No tonal / free Hz sync mode
_No True Peaks / ISP / sinc interpolation curves/values
_No 2x sounds Phase correlation analyser
_No multi-tracks Stereo Analyser
_No wavcycle auto pitch tracker
_Lower Graphics perfs – no direct2D HW acceleration
Multi-track Spectrum , spectrogram, vus-meters and corolometer
PsyScope Pro 1.4.1 features
learn more
Available as windows vst 2.4 64 bits .dll.
No install, just drop .dll to plugin folder
But.. but im on mac ???
If you are on mac I recommend free excellent alternative from friend richie at Bom Shanka Machines:
—> occularScope
Change Log:
_Fixed server corrupting downloads (mid-end june)
V1.0.02 – published may / 24 / 2020 –
_Better anti-aliasing method, reducing a bit « lines spikes » or « holes » effects that could appear at transients/hi freq content.
_Reduced AA computations.
_If double clicking somewhere on the wavform, auto computes needed latency and apply in order to make this position being the start of the buffer loop.
V1.0.01 – published may / 22 / 2020 –
_Latency/offset can be entered in sample or ms.
_Layers/inputs can be enabled/disabled via right clic on corresponding cell.
How to: use multi layers mode - ableton live routing examples

- classic bus routing technique.
1_ Create a new audio track, drop psyscope plugin on it. set « Audio from » to « No Input », set Monitor to « IN », Mute the track.
2_ Create 4 audio tracks (the green ones here), in « Audio from » pick each source track you want, for ex here kick, bass, snare, HH. Set monitor to in, in « Audio To » set to PSYSCOPE, then respectively
for 1,2,3,4 « track in », 3-4, 5-6, 7-8.

2. Sends technique.
1_ Create a new audio track, drop psyscope plugin on it. set « Audio from » to « No Input », set Monitor to « IN », Mute the track.
2_ Create 4 return tracks (A,B,C,D here) with no effects on them, in « Audio To » set to PSYSCOPE, then respectively for A,B,C,D « track in », 3-4, 5-6, 7-8.
3_on Psyscope track, right click on a send « disable all sends ».
4) Now on each track of your live set can send them as want, for ex here kick is sent to A wich will be first layer of psyscope, bass is sent to B wich will be second layer and so on..