PsyScope Pro is a versatile multi-track synced oscilloscope plugin using fast workflow routing free system that allows easy inspect of different signals and the way they interact together in terms of phase / tuning / sum / peaks ect.. and also an all in one multi-track Frequency analyser, with spectrum, spectrogram, vectorscope ,vu meters and ebu-128 lufs loudness meters.
New in 1.4:
PsyScope Pro quick tour and tutorial
nice (non sponsored) usecase ex by Baphometrix
_Routing free fast workflow system:
just add an instance to new insert point wanna monitor and they will all automatically connect.
_Connect and easy acces of up to 128 instances
_Up to 16x signals can be displayed at the same time.
_Arrange instances in different groups with names and colors.
_Sets allowing quick store/recall of different sources configurations.
_Multi-track wavforms and Frequencies Oscilloscope.
_Multi-Track Spectrogram.
_Corrolometer / Vectorscope Stereo Analyser.
_Vu meter with peaks/rms.
_True Peaks metering
_EBU-R LUFS metering
_Hi quality Sinc and Lanczos interpolation mode shows real analog output curve.
_ISP (inter samples peaks) overview.
_Fast Zoom n scroll to inspect buffers up to sample rez.
_Display layers overlapped, or individuals in just a clic
_Stacked Layers mode.
_Show Summed result of all wanted activated layers.
_Enable/disable layers, re-order them, rename them.
_Display L,R, mono, mid + side or L+R channels in one or dual views.
_3x skins or fully customizable user skins, with save and load to user file ability.
_Save default user skin that will be loaded on new instances.
_Latency compensation for daws that don’t compensate ppq.(smps or ms).
_Freeze and bounce buffer content to wav with direct drag and drop to daw.
_Analyse Peaks, segment ms / samples durations, Hz frequency and cycle Note name.
_Ability to auto scale to max peak.
_Ability to roll buffer start.
_Ability to invert phase of each layer.
_Continuous scroll mode.
_Custom user Db reference lines.
_Custom user Time reference lines.
_Beat sync or free Hz/note mode.
_Auto acquire daw tracks names and colors (vst3).
_FFT enhance Bass mode and curves smoothing.
_Capture Image function / save as .png
_Auto Sync Hz mode from FFT or midi in.
_Zoomable meters / Dynamic range
_Filter LP HP BP AP, 1 yo 4 Poles, IIR or Linear phase
_Phase Correlation Analyser between 2 tracks
_Wavecycle Tracker
_Spectrogram Sharp Mode, including Wigner Ville Distribution
_Spectrogram Isometric view
Current Build:
Available as VST3 – 64bits – dll for Windows
Public demo:
Demo Limitations:
- Stops after 10 minutes
- Doesn’t save with daw project
Full Version:
Full version without limitations requires a license that can be purchased at Gumroad Inc website linked here.
Users Area:
Login to your user account to retrieve latest installer and license files.
This product is for WINDOWS only,
NOT for MAC !
System Recommendations:
- modern i5-i7-i9 or AMD Ryzen cpu
- 8Gb ram with at least 512 mb free ram
- 10 mb free hard drive space.
- 64 bits VST3 host
- Windows 10-11
- 32-4096 samples asio buffer size
- 1280×720 min screen resolution with DirectX driver