Note 1.4 is in beta stage and can have stabilities issues. latest stable RC version is 1.3.10 RC
if encounter stabilities issues with 1.4 please use 1.3 version instead:

Build 1.4.12 - RC

_Beta reported stable moving to Release
_Fixed: Potential hang when pressing check change log from the plugin.
now if connected will open full change log url rather than download text in a popup.
_Improved: Stereo analyser: slight change on algo better shows anti-phase in special edges cases.
_fixed issues with intel IPP. hilgly improved FFT /spectrogram perfs.
_Embeds important libraries so doesn't rely anymore on user having vcc redistribuables.

Build 1.4.10: beta

all reported bugs should be fixed now.
(tested stable here on live 11, 12, usine hh6, Bitwig 5.2, cubase 13, FL21, S1 7.0)
but report/let me know in case.

_Fixed: potential crash in corrolometer / vu meter.

_New Stereo Analyser:
in show\analyser\stereo analyser
will show some view with sounds placement in stereo field and antiphase.
works per sound / sum / layers and stack.
(can be useful ie to get overall view of mix balances)

HSLA offset for 2nd curve color when using MS/ LR dual channels:
_Fixed: alpha slider in menu was not updating 2nd color alpha component.
_Improved: If applying an hue ofset, rather than clamping
hue will 'roll back' over color spectrum so that
2nd color is always different of first color.

Build 1.4.08: Beta

_Fixed: FFT paths potentially not closing correctly when using smooth
_Improved: if a defauld psyscope preset was saved via about/preferences.
but that use daw colors /txt are on, new instances won't load
colors and text from the preset to keep daws ones.
various internal optimisations

Build 1.4.06: Beta

Overall improved stability

_Fixed: Cubase: corrolometer background issue in cubase
_Fixed: FFT paths initialisation when daw transport stopped
_Fixed: Transport cursor shown running even if daw was stopped.
_Fixed: potential crash when manipulating skin editor.
_Fixed: Bitwig: color mapping in Bitwig studio 5.2

Build 1.4.04: Beta: 03/10/24

_Fixes Destructor issue that could lead to some daw process hanging
and failed vst scan in some daws like cubase.

Build 1.4.01 Beta:

_Fixes Scan fail in some cubase versions

Build 1.4.00 Beta:

_Rebuild with new Juce 8.0.

_Direct 2D Hardware acceleration.
Massivly improved drawing performances: using new juce Direct2D HW acceleration abilities.
better fps, antialiasing and overall graphics perfs, especially on hdpi / 4k screens.

_Breaking: Minimum Os is now W10-11 matching juce 8 requirements.
_Changed: OpenGl has been deprecated in favor to Direct 2D better performances.

_New Custom nb of beats:
In sync menu can choose arbitrary float nb of beats to fit specific time signature.
Wav grid divisions can now be set to any numer (5,7,9,11) ect from 2 to 16.

_New Wav cycle analyser:
When activated will scan to detect under mouse wavecycle, matching in/out
giving infos such as Hz, note name and peak dB.

_New Phase correlation analyser:
When activated will analyze phase correlation between L and R.
Or can be used to analyse phase correlation between 2 source mono sum, ie kick and bass.

_New Filter option:
Can show filtered signal ie to inspect subs, mids or his more easily.
Filter can target either sum or a specific sound.
Filter can be either Low pass, Band pass, High Pass, or All pass.
Filter can be set from 1 to 4 poles / -6db to -24 db.
Filter can be IIR, Group delay compensated IIR, or Linear Phase FIR.
Linear phase mode operates with automatic visual Latency Compensation for timing accuracy.
(Zero audio latency added)
Filter graph will show Frequency response, Phase response, Impulse response, and fir window.
All pass can be used ie to correct phase of a kick for a better match with bass.
Then can use build in bounce to wav fuction to re-export phase corrected kick.

**** FFT *****

_FFT for curves and spectro now independant, in separate threads.
some computations moved from audio thread to ui thread, giving better visual experience
ie fft curves decay, waves / spectrogram scroll ect.. aligning to screen refresh rate.
Spectrogram now latency compensated depending on window size.

_New FFT curves multirate mode.
Will compute 6x fft with adaptative sizes to preseves hi freqs timing.

_New FFT sharpen mode:
provides post-processing to sharpen spectrogram

_New FFT spectro Isometric view.

_Added: Grid text color in skin
_Added: Reset to factory settings in preferences
_added: options to enable disable show cursor db/hz wav/fft
_added: lower fft size is now 512 (was 1k)

_Improved Text scaling on HDPI screens.
_Improved Rms text read-outs.
_Improved: can now do vertical zoom/pan in spectrogram using mouse Middle button. Y: pan Y X: zoom
_Improved: fft avg adapting to fft size for consistency. ulta hi rez timing mode up to 32 samples
_Improved: fft auto dectect Hz will show name of original note, without octave shift.
_Improved: added transport cursor styles options.

_Fixed: minor glitch in fast Hz mode when interpolated
_Fixed: hi cpu when using fft with fast hz mode
_Fixed: math error in kaizer window
_Fixed: sum delay when using ableton rack/send technique.
_Fixed: potential heavy lag when using curves smmoothing.
_Fixed: If using Spectrogram only, if was horizontal, Hz mouse info would not take vertical zoom into account.
_Changed: dft interpolation mode set to cubic as previous psyscope versions.
(bi_quadratic was in fact not ideal for most cases and reverted to cubic interpolation)

Build 1.3.10:

_Fixed: Bitwig potential issue when changing main active instance that could
display a black wavform view, needing re-clic on different sound in some cases.

_Improved: when pressing daw stop/play again could have wave transient remains written at old transport pos.

Build 1.3.06:

_Fixed an Init problem leading to less optimal paint optimisations.

Build 1.3.05:

_New global latency correction setting:
if clicking on sum/layers/stack can enter global latency correction
for daws with corrupt pdc (like ableton live).

Build 1.3.04 (RC):

_Beta reported stable, moving to RC

_New: FFT option to extend low end down to ~5 Hz.
_Minor changed: FFT "Inspect max" function moved up in menu for faster access.

Build 1.3.0 (beta):

_New: FFT Smooth mode.
Allow to filter out small detail tyo get more overall picture.

_New: Enhance Bass FFT mode:
Doubles low end frequency resolution, with same FFT size setting.
Internally it works by performing 2x fft:

A) the "normal" broadband version.
B) a more "low end" focused version.
Low end version is using bandlimiting pre-filter, 2x downsampling
of input signal prior doing the exta fft, which in effect will
double frequency resolution, as dividing SR by 2.
(fft resolution = SR / FFT size).
but at the expense of dividing by 2 max frequency too
(Nyquist beeing SR/2);

A) SR: 44.1k FFT: 4k: bin precision = 44100 / 4096 = 10.8 hz.
max displayed freq is Nyquist SR/2 = 22050 Hz.

B) SR: 22.05k bin precision becomes 22050 / 4096 = 5.38 hz.
max displayed freq is Nyquist SR/2 = 11025 Hz

then the two FFT are combined for constructing the result curve path
2x resolution from DC to ~700Hz of B, followed by normal rez going to 22k of A.
will work on spectrogram image too.
on spectrogram resolution will be doubled from DC to SR/4
then normal from SR/4 to nyquist;

Can be useful ie inspect kick/bass/sub in more detail,
without loosing time resolution by using bigger FFT size that would be needed
otherwise to achieve same precision.

Current limitations:
if engaged the collision detection feature will only work up to SR/4.
ie 11k @44k (instead of 22k in normal mode).

_Improved / fixed:
_Wav Scroll mode state was not recalled by presets and needed to be re-engaged.
_If Wav Scroll mode on, draw top dB infos could be laggy.
_If Wav Scroll mode on, now also draws sound names in wavform view.
_If Wav Scroll mode on, red cross peak position indicator now also drawn.
_VU meter rms and other internals timings in ms instead of absolute samples,
samples durations will be recomputed from project sample rate.
(better adapts to non 44.1k SR it was initially 'calibrated' for).

_Improved / changed:
Between raw digital discrete samples, wavforms are shown as a continuous curve.
There are several ways this curve could be build from samples, called interpolation
modes here.
Can now choose between 5 interpolation modes:

0: None: no interpolation, stepped samples, the 'digital raw' version. /lowest cpu
1: Linear: straight lines connect samples. /low cpu
//none and linear will show no intersample peaks == no peaks above actual samples peaks.

2: Cubic: more 'rounded' than lines, gives a rough isp preview. (psyscope legacy)./mid cpu
3: Bi-quadratic : new custom alg kinda similar to cubic, but with closer to sinc
ISP magnitudes preview, while remaining lower cpu (psyscope new default). /mid cpu

4: Lanczos: approximation of real sinc function.
the ideal sinc filter having an infinite size, would require infinite computation.
Lanczos kernel is said to be the best compromize accuracy / cpu. //mid hi cpu

4: Sinc: (windowed) even more accurate approximation of real sinc function.
more 'real' representation of what 'would be' true analog output.
or can be seen as an highly oversampled version of the signal,
showing intersamples peaks / gibbs phenomenon ringing
in the most accurate manner, but at much higher cpu cost. //hi cpu

changed: have been moved from about section to show options menu.

_New: Up to 128x Instances:
Can now connect up to 128x instances.
Instances are arranged in 8x new'groups' of up to 16x instances per group.
Each Instances "sees" only the ones that are in same group.

Still shows 16x sources max at same time, but can change group
to show/access other instances 0-15, 16-31, 32-47, 48-64 and so on.
can re-arrange instances between groups using up/dwn while dragging sound.
or in a new dedicated "instances manager / MAP view" that allows quick access or
re-arrange of any of the 128 instances.
Groups names and colors can be user customized,
ie a red "drums" group containing "kick", "bass", "hh" sounds,
another blue "synth" group, containing "lead A", "lead B" sounds ect..

Virtual copies:
A limitation of groups is can only see summing of instances of same group by default.
An extra features was made to allow to make virtual instances "copies" in other groups.
A "copy" is basically a reference to a real exiting instance, that doesn't exists
as a real "loaded in daw physical" instance.
for ex can copy kick (a real instance) from drum group to synth group to see
summing of kick (virtual copy) and synths (real instances).
This allows to see summing/layers ect of any 16x combinaison of the 128x instances
even if they are not in same group, or compose groups made of sounds
from different groups. Internally a system makes sure any change
to an original real instance is propagated to its copies (ie name, color, latency ect),
and the other way around (ie if editing a copy color, "parent" will also inherit).
To make a copy press CTRL + drag a real instance to another group empty cell in map view.

_New: EBU-R 128 LUFS metering:
Shows Short term/max, Momentary/max, Integrated, Range lufs of selected signal.
LUFS datas can be toggled on/off in show menu.
Options like what fields are displayed, placement, size..
(double click in LUFS datas rectangle to reset ie integrated measurement).

_New: Snapshot Capture image function:
Click in new camera icon will save plugin visual current state to image.
then right click in icon allows to alternate ref image / current state.
can be usefull ie to monitor before/after changes.
a menu will offer to eventually save as .png picture.

_New: Shortcut icons on top right for full screen and snaphot functions.
(if user don't wanna use/show them, can be disabled in SHOW/icons)

_New: Auto sync Hz note detection mode.
if using Hz mode and FFT, will try to auto detect signal fundamental,
and set display duration accordingly. (FFT >= 4k recommended for better precision).
using custom made algo combining some FFT analysis and zero crossings rates.
(usefull ie for checking wavforms cycles of different notes).
If auto retrig enabled, will try to identify cycle start and align to start.

_New: Sync Hz to new Midi input.
if using Hz mode, can now feed midi signal to PsyScope for even more accurate Hz
it will then set duration to Hz of the incoming note and restart on note start.
(ie usefull to visualize stable cycles of different notes)

(For both Auto detect modes: an octave fader let choose if showing 1x,2x,4x ect cycles)

_New: Gradient Maps:
When using gradient waveforms mode, can pick a map from several new choices.
Some new modes for ex map frequency to hue but now also level to lum, or keep sound hue
but add lum from level ect..
Added some gradient color correction options: gain/contrast/saturation.

_New: "SETS" concept:
a set is basically current viewed sources configuration.
for ex:
SET 0: "kick bass"
group: 0 (say drumz)
type: Layers view.
Sounds enabled: 11000000.. //(means 2 first say only kick bass enabled).

SET 1: " hi freq leads"
group: 1 (say synths)
type: Stack view.
Sounds enabled: 00011111.. //(means all on except 3 firsts).

Then we can easy store / recall differents sets just by clicking a slot,
that will act as a "shorcut" enabling/disabing sounds automatically,
instead of user enabling/disabling each sound individually each time,
-> much faster workflow on recurrent stuff :)
-> 32x user SETS memory slots, each with customizable name and color,
that can be easily re-ordered by dragging.

_New: Side Meters Menu:
Options to individually show/hide corrolometer/ vu-meter.
If one is off other is full size.
If both are on can now adjust split ratio / sizes. ie big meter small corro.
A new splitter also allows to directly adjust split via mouse drag.
Vu forced LR:
If on vu always shows dual LR channels, regardless of selected channel mode.
If off vu shows what channel(s) mode is selected (L,R,M,S LR MS ect)
Option to show/hide RMS and disable computation.
Vu Power ratio: adjust grid 'bend' from linear to log.
Vu Peak hold: adjust time in ms peaks will hold before decaying.
Vu RMS ms: adjust time in ms of rms window.
Vu Speed: adjust ratio between smoothed / realtime.
Vu Orientation:
Can set vu to always be vertical, always horizontal, or automatic
(automatic kinda makes it H or V depending on H-V space like previously)
improved behaviour of adaptative vu meter text sizes.

_New: Can now zoom and scroll in Vu meter.
ie inspect more precise dynamic range.
either via mouse wheel, or clic and dragY to zoom, X to scroll.
Right click resets to unity zoom.
Will also now show dB at mouse position if mouse is in vu meter.

_New: Can now zoom Corrolometer.
either via mouse wheel, or clic and dragY to zoom, or use scale in menu.
Right clic resets to unity zoom.

_New: Corrolometer options:
Samples historic size (how many past samples are displayed).
Decay (how fast samples will fade out, or 'trail / ghost effect' intensity).
Glow / Blur option (smooth out the image).

_New: The 'corro' button has been renamed to 'meters'.
If left click will fast open/close side meters view.
If right click will show previously mentioned new meters options menu.

_New: Multi-Splitters:
There are now 3 'splitters': a main horizontal one (wav/fft vs meters),
and one for each LR side internals (wav vs fft and corro vs vu).
If mouse both near wavform/fft splitter and main LR splitter control both.
If mouse both near corro/vu meter splitter and LR splitter control both.
If the 2x 'vertical' splitters are at same pos, mouse at intersection controls all.

_Improved: Gradients draw quality and performance, especially in stack/layers modes.
(note gradient mode still requires much more cpu than normal colors
and can affect FPS)

_Changed: If no user dft preset, first lauch of psyscope is
in minimal cpu mode (no fft/meters, full wavform).

_Imroved: If in layers or stack view and Rclick changing a sound on/off
will repaint all waves for faster instant preview.

_Improved: If Offline daw rendering detected, psyscope will bypass processing to save cpu.

_Improved: Instances orders are saved in preset data, so that when daw reload a project and
might re-construct instances in a different order, they re-organize to correct order
looking order that was saved from preset datas.
This can be problematic if user doesn't drop a fresh plugin, but duplicate a track for ex,
Or apply a daw preset, as then several instances will get same preset, making the plugin
unable to know which instance should go where in the list.
A new test detection of such case will be done on preset data received,
and if problem detected will show a warning and *attempt* to auto-correct.

_Improved: Optimized so that most operations that clear buffers will clear only currently
really displayed duration, instead of max duration, that could be heavy..
(~1 million samples max per sound channel, x4 channels L/R/M/S).

_Improved: If using interpolations, better antialiasing of unzoomed wavforms,
while still showing 'true' peak overview.

_Improved: Previously red peak cross indicated max peak position, but only on the above 0 axis.
that can be easier to follow, but doesn't show if actually positive or negative.
now if the peak is negative will be shown bellow 0 axis if "signed peaks" is on.

_Minor ui Changes:
Look of menus with slight transparency, round edges ect..
Re-organized menus sections in sub-sections.

Build 1.2.31:

_Improved: added windowed sinc interpolation mode option in about/prefs:
will render a more accurate representation of 'real' analog output curve
and ISP (intersamples peaks) (higher precision / cpu vs default simpler cubic interpolation).
_Improved: added option to always show ISP curve, or only when highly zoomed.
_Improved: added True peaks dB value on top right to peaks.
_Imroved: added Option to enable/disable true peaks metering in show menu.
_Improved: if using true peaks metering, red cross will show true peak pos rather than peak pos.

Note that true peaks curves or metering implies internal use of hi quality oversampling process that while
highly optimized still adds overhead, so if not using it, should prob disable it.

Build 1.2.28:

_Fixed: Bitwig / Studio one hdpi possible bug on preset data reload where
fft zoom, split screen position, and tool bar text could be wrong size.

Build 1.2.26:

_Fixed: possible bug on preset data reload where tilt setting would not reload correctly.
_Improved: better scaling of sound name in wavform view with hdpi/windows scale factor.
_Improved: In dual modes LR/MS Can change color of second spectrum via skin HSLA offset.
_Changed: "main" wave channels inheriting base skin color are L and M and
"offseted" colors are R and S instead of the other way around.

Build 1.2.24:

_Fixed: FL studio bug whith Hdpi where txt could get smaller when mouse entring toolbar.
_Fixed: When swapping sounds orders, if dragging the active instance it could become inactive.
_Improved: Better text scaling with windows scale factors/ui resize in skin editor/about section.
_Changed: By default if showing both FFT and waves, wavs layers option was off, now dft is on.
(if saved daw project or dft preset it will use what is saved in preset).
_Improved: If hiding/showing/scaling vu-meter section, then saving default preset in about section,
vu-meter status/screen ratio will be recalled on new instances, ie if wanna start with no meter.
_Improved: If choosing detailed FFT grid, will show more dB subdivisions.
_Improved: In stack view, first (top) sound name would be hidden behind top dB text.

Build 1.2.20:

_Fixed: Potential wavform glitchs at specific tempis.
_Fixed: Entering full screen mode (CTRL + double clic) didn't hide toolbar.
_Fixed: Tiny graphical glitchs when exiting measure mode.
_Improved: Top right peak text could be hidden if long track names.
_Improved: The horizontal 'spliter / resize' border has been made transparent and allow full sized
wavformview if dragged fully right.
_Improved: If double clic on that border, easy close/re-open side panel.

Build 1.2.14:

beta reported stable. moving to RC

_Fixed: Rare cases of loading crash on some specific computers.
_Improved: Better Graphics quality with non unity 100% windows screen scale factors / hiDpi.
ie when using 4k screen with a 200% windows scale factor, would appear blurry.
(Ableton Note: should right clic on plugin, disable auto scale for best results,
-doesn't work with openGl yet, so if non unity & ogl should keep autoscale on-)
_Improved: Roll setting is now saved/recalled with preset datas.
_Improved: Loading perf of multi instances.
_Improved: Better behaviour when transport is stopped, now acts like freeze.
basically if pressing stops it 'truely' enable freeze, and disable when repressing play.
(exept if keep processing option is on, then it keeps buffering as usual)
(better ability to zoom fft and wav with no glitchs, freezing vu/corro, re-scale ui.. ).
_Improved: Mail text with characters replaced by "*******", so hidden/keep privacy if ie streaming.
_Improved: When using fft bars mode, 2x buttons shorcuts allow to set roughly to
1 octave or 1/3 oct per bar when unzoomed.
_Improved: Extra dB lines option (-3,-6,-9 ect) now also works in dual LR / MS splitted views.
_Improved: Ref dB lines option now also works in dual LR / MS splitted views.
_Improved: Hides ref db lines in stack mode.
_Internal: Added Log to textfile possibility for easier debug hints purposes.

Build 1.2 beta:

_Fixed: Bug if setting references Db lines with keyboard then resizing /closing re-oprning ui.
_Improved: Added button to save current settings to default preset file in preferences.
_Improved: faster zoom, non dependant of ui size.
_Changed: To rename a cell press CTRL with double clic to prevent unwanted double clicks;
_improved: mouse Db now also shown in dual LR/MS views for all modes except stack,
in stack view will now show db of under mouse sound if L/R/M/S or LR MS overlaid (all except LR/MS dual).
_improved: higly improved paint performances when using wav sroll mode.
_Improved: Color per frequency sat/lum boosted.
_Improved: Added new Corrolometer: shows lissajous curves LR balance, MS balance phase/antiphase correlation.
_Impoved: Added new Bars mode: shows frequency response as bars, with option to set number of bars,
color per bar with luminosity linked to bar db power.
opti paint
internal: vblank sync. synchronize repaint to monitor framerate.
max fps won't go beyond monitor fps, less perf loss.
internal: clocks precision 32->64bits.
_Improved: reduced FL sum view paint gui load / more optimiszed secure sum view even with variable size buffer.
_Improved: temp reduce precision at zoom start in stack view for faster response.
_Improved: no more full repaint at loop end, more optimized repaint only end buffer rect and start buffer rect.
_Improved: When sound was off, was writing both 'off' and sound name wich was not really readable.
_Fixed: If Using a windows screen scale factor, plugin ui globally scaled accordingly,
but some menus would remain at default.
_Fixed: Potential glitchs in Hz mode with some specific hz values if using big asio buffer sizes.
_Improved: Wav paint loopback efficiency.
_Improved: Mouse wheel on FFT button allow quick cycle true show wav/both/spectrum modes.
Right clic toggles spectogram on off;
_Improved: if showing both waves and spectrum, more clear split screen layout.
wavform view will be moved in top half rather than center and overlaid, spectrum bottom half.
can now show both wavform grid and spectrum grid in respective areas.
_Impoved: Top right peak value and peak position cross were displayed only in sum or individual sound modes,
now layers mode will also show sum peak and cross, stack view will show peak of under mouse sound.
prefix is now added showing either sum or sound name.
_Improved: FFT menu re-organised with sub-sections.
_Added: New Spectrogram.
with options: gain, bias, opacity, colour maps, orient horizontal or vertical / inverted.
(if vertical will exactly match curves frequencies positions).
can be displayed alone / with curves / with wavforms.
can display individual per sound, sum, stack and layers keeping sound colors or with map.
can show all individual sounds spectrums in stack mode + sum if enabled.
will sync with wavforms (within window size precision, so can slightly move),
can be zoomed and scrolled with wavforms/curves.
_Auto scroll mode.
_Rt mode: overlay the current real time FFt frame.
_If spectrogram only, Hz, note and dB info read out of under mouse position in spectrogram image.

_Changed: previous versions were computting FFT in a separated thread timer callback,
according to plugin max refresh rate setting.
which could be varying of few ms but precise enough for curves display.

Spectrogram on the other side requires FFT computation to be perfectly tight and regular, as
each 'frames' painted on image need to be perfectly aligned one after the other.
It would be less efficient if both spectrum analyser and spectrogram computed fft on their side with different clocks.
so now only one (or per sound) FFT is now computed every defined blocs of xxw samples.
(128-256-512-1024-2k) so for exemple if using 512,
and a fft of 4K, each 512 samples FFT will pick the last buffered 4K samples and process them.
FPS default rate has been changed from 1_ulta fast(max 120Hz) to 2_fast(60Hz) to fit most users HW.

_Changed Breaking: skin is now 1 global for all instances instead of 1 per instance.
Rationale: This was making things kinda convoluted and preventing many internal optimisations.
Now if user change something on skin, it propagates automatically.

Build 1.1.15:

_Fixed: Crash in new ableton version 11.3.2
_Improved: removed "off" text on cells that was making hard reading sounds name.

Build 1.1.14:

_Fixed: Potentially unstable machineId on some windows systems.

Build 1.1.13:

_Improved: For daw with shitty PDC (ahem ableton..) we could manually set sounds latency.
One problem remaining tho was psyscope in order to optimize repainted only last buffer at daw given clock position,
while audio in reality is 'written' 'late in time' of that position..
that would result in wavform update to appear laggy.
Now if user has set some latency, plugin will scan the max latency across all channels, and repaint at max latency position
for more 'real time' update of the wavform.

_Added: User skin setting to adjust most important values/text sizes. default has also been raised +20 %;
(If want setting to remain on new later added instances, adjust in skin, then press 'dft' to save/update the default skin.
If want transfer to all already existing instance, press 'to all'.)

_Added: By default when in dual mode overlay LR or MS, R and S where painted as a darker version of 'normal' L/M colors.
Now can set a custom user HSLA (hue, sat, lum, alpha ) offset in skin menu.

Build 1.1.09:

_Fixed online version checker back-end http 503 problem.
_Improved: from now given machineId will no be immune to HDD changes like re-parttioning/changing disk/windows re-install.
(older licenses will still work for transition period)

Build 1.1.06:

_Fixed: Bug where Refresh Rate option would always be reset to ultra
and ignored what was set in preset datas.
_Improved: Rebuild with new Juce 7 that had few graphics engine improvements
Like limiting internal repaints to hardware devices refresh rate.
overall should provide better graphic response.

Build 1.1.05:

_Improved: FFT will show frequency down to 21-23 hz even when using hi ie 96K sample rate.
_Improved: FFT max bloc size increased to 32K.
_Improved: Accelered/lower cpu FFT engine using Intel® IPP.(works on AM64 too)
_Improved: if using vst2 .dll or a daw not sending track names instead of blank named cells will be numbered.

Build 1.1.03:

_Fixed: Potential bug on sum view display with 'secure sum' option in FL.
_Fixed: Potential bug on sum view display with 'secure sum' option in Hz mode.

Build 1.1.02:

_Fixed: bug if Hz mode and 'keep processing' option was turned on when daw transport would be stopped.
_Fixed: "Extra Db Lines" would not display correctly in LR/MS overlaid modes.
_Improved: Under mouse dB line/value will now show also in LR/MS overlaid modes.
_Improved: FFT Tilt values shown/can be set in dB rather than power coeff.
_Improved: In Layers mode, if also show sum is on, summed wavform and now also summed FFT will be overlaid.
_Added: In stack mode can now right clic on button to also show/hide sum at top.
So will show all individual layers + summed result wavform / spectrum at top.

Build 1.1.00:

_ Deep Code rewrite.

_Improved: Now up to 16x instances.
_Improved: New better Wavforms Antialising algorithm.
Accuracy sub-pixel min/max peaks representation, reduced flickering and smoother adaptative zoom transitions.
_Improved: Optimized long durations waves display, updating only needed small new buffer changed sections
unless an all recompute is needed (ie changing zoom, using scroll mode).
_Improved: Increased max buffers length from 441k to 1 million samples per internal channel.
means around 10s @96k 20s @48k 22s @44k, or can fully show 4 bars with min tempis of:
44.1k: 44.1 bpm 48k: 48bpm 96k: 96 bpm.
(there are 64 internal 32 bits channels, 16x sounds * L/R/M/S so 64M floating point samples
means Psycope needs to be able to allocate around 270 MB of free ram including other datas,
not per instance, but as a shared 'global' memory area for the 16x instances).
_Improved: 'Secure' summing option, adding one bloc 'visual only' latency on sum mode for safe
accurate summing results in multi-threaded contexts.
_Added: Freq Gradient mode: Color Waves based on frequency content (Hi are blue to mid green to lows red);
_Added: New Spectrum FFT multi: show each individual sound spectrum, layers overlaps, staked and sum.
_Improved: Reduced / negligible cpu load if no editors opened & various internal optimisations.
_Improved: Scope scroller zoom got now "sliced zoom" behaviour,
centering zoom relating to cursor position, rather than old center method.
_Improved: Prevent unwanted scrolling if zoom reach max zoom and still using mouse wheel/y zoom.
_Improved: Better more adaptative mouse wheel zoom behaviour.
_Improved: Middle clic and Drag Y in wavform view performs a quick way to scale the wavforms.
_Fixed: Potential bug with slow fps choices.
_Fixed: If reaching max number of instances, deleting new instance would not reactivate others.
_Changed: Freeze and Wav packed to a single button: Left clic is freeze, Right clic is bounce to wav.
_Changed: Various show options (ie cursor/values ect) packed in a single show button.
_Changed: Various skin options (show stroke/fill/edit skin) packed in a single skin button.
_Improved: Mouse 'ball' use antialiased position if AA is on of stepped pos if off.
_Improved: Can Show/Hide ball.
_Improved: Datas Infos for FFT and Wav can be enable/disabled and follow or not the mouse.
_Added: Custom dB / Time lines: double clic on line will show a popup to enter value.
_Added: Mouse wheel on scroller buttons / center bar.
_Added: Mouse wheel on scale button.
_Added: Frequencies Collision Detection mode shows overlap areas.
_Improved: Better menus that can stay open while tweaking settings, faders ect.
_Added: Can use mouse wheel on toolbar for following resukts:
_sum/layers/stack/sounds : select prev/next cell/sound/mode.
_scale: inc/dec scale;
_sync: inc/decr sync speed.
_LR: inc/decr channel choice (L/R/M/S ect..)
_lat: incr/decr sound manual latency compensation.
_Improved: If custom sound colors or names were set and re-enabling "use daw colors / use daw txt"
will automatically re-apply all daw track colors and names.

Build 1.0.95:

_Improved: reduced visual anti-aliasing distorsion effect.
_Improved: success or error popups when saving default skin centered in Ui, with different icons.

Build 1.0.94:

_Fixed: If reloading an older skin file or default skin that hadn't new colors settings of a newer build
new colors would be transparent.
_Improved: temp store zoom/scroll settings before closing UI to recall on re-open.
_Added: new 'time ref lines' allow to place two vertical lines at custom time position in buffer.
will display start-end in ms and smp, and segment duration in ms.

Build 1.0.92:

_fixed: potential crashs if opening muliples plugin instances gui on some setups.
_fixed: save default skin would not work if psyscope folder didn't exist in userdocs.

Build 1.0.91:

_fixed: visual glitch on toolbar when resizing woukd need to move mouse over it to repaint.

Build 1.0.90:

_fixed: when xport and dragging/closing file via right clic, zoom/scroll would be locked.
_Improved: when using bounce to wav function, the wav will match n crop to current zoom and scroll settings.
_Improved: in a project when xporting wav in a certain directory, next calls will remember that directory.
_Added: Free sync / Hz mode. The timing can be decoupled from bpm to arbitrary Hz loop.
Can enter in Hz, or pick a note and octave in drop down menus.
_Added: Custom movable references line.
_Added: Possibility to roll the start of buffer by pressing SHIT and drag X.

Build 1.0.83:

_Added: continuous scroll mode.
_Added: mono compatibility for daws using strickly mono tracks (ie cubase & studio one).
_Added: vst3: get track color and name as separated options now.
_Added: option to display sound/instances ids as starting from 1 rather than 0
_Improved: various internal computations.

Build 1.0.77: published sept-15-2021

_improved: resize edges 'trigger" area would be quite big and sometimes make hard to manipulate scroller if cliquing to far right.
-> has been reduced
_fixed: FL studio : red and blue component of daw color would be inverted.
_added: a cancel button on skin page: revert to prior settings when first opened.

Build 1.0.76- published sept-04-2021

_fixed: bug not showing S signal when in sum mode.

Build 1.0.75:

_fixed: issue in vst3 if setting greyscale colors from daw, buttons would still be colored/saturated.

Build 1.0.74- published july-07-2021

_Added: New vst3 version. Vst3 allows new plugins to automatically aquire daw track name and color at creation.
for daws supporting it (ie Ableton). Then changing track color or name in daw will also auto update on psyscope.
Option can be disabled in preferences if wanna then set/save/recall on reload differently.
_Added: New option to show/hide new extra db lines (-3,-6,-9,-12,-18).
_Added: New option to show/hide red peak position cross.
_Added: New option to show/hide instance id.
_Improved: Popups for sound name/values should now be centered in plugin.
_Changed: By dft with a scale value of 1.0, stacks don't overlap.
_Added: When in Sum or Sound view, can double clic on scale button so it auto set its value for a maximized vertical fit according to last peak.
_Added: When in Sum or Sound view, a new button appears in skin cell, can clic and drag to quick set current sound/sum color hue.
_Improved: When in Sum or Sound view, opening skin editor will auto pre-select corresponding stroke color.
_Added: When Mid clic on a sound, can invert it.(This doesn't affect output, only internal)
Can be usefull ie to check difference instead of sum ie on pre-post audio process to check what it does.
_Added: Skin editor: right clic option to copy stroke colors to fills, but retain fills current alphas.

Build 1.0.67- published june-24-2021

_New button in skin to set as default, then all new inserted plugins will use that skin on creation.
Plugins still store/load their skin data with daw project if want a different set of colors per instance.
(it will create a default.skin file in userdocs\Psyscope\. the plugins will look for
that file on creation and load if exists).

_Plugin renamed to PsyScope_Pro so can be found in ie Bitwig typying "scope" tag.

_Max lengh extended to 4 bars (internally it's limited to buffer 441000 sample max,
so 10s @44k, as there are lots of channels, 8 sounds x 4 chan(L,R,mid,side) x32 bits x 441000 = loads of ram^^
to allow zoom, so depending on tempo 4 bars might not be fully filled, a warning will be displayed in case).

Build 1.0.65- published march-24-2021

_improved: Ui max size has been extended to 4k.
_added: colors: ability to set id info and warnings colors in skin editor.
_added: median -inf silence and zero db lines in all modes.
(0db lines disabled in stack mode by default for clarity but can be enabled in options).
_added: when using ALT, will enter measure mode and on mouse release will auto zoom to defined section.
(CTRL is normal measure mode without auto-zoom).

Build 1.0.64- published january-03-2020

_fixed: Ids orders could be changed/swaped on save/reopen in some daws.
_fixed: on some setups GUI could be slow or blacked out due to opengl issues.

_added: skin editor: color RGB can be entered in hexadecimal.
_added: skin editor: can now right clic to copy / paste colors.
_added: skin editor: can right clic and copy all fill colors to corresponding stroke and vice-versa.
_added: skin editor: can right clic to apply current alpha setting to all stokes or fill.

Build 1.0.63- published december-02-2020

_ fixed: In some daws (ie cubase), the plugin size sometimes wouldn't be recalled on re-opening projects.
_ fixed: rare pssible license problem.

Build 1.0.61- published october-16-2020

_ minor update, can be skipped for most users
_Extended max asio buffer size from 2048 to 4096.
_If trying to use with a higher buffer size, will show a warning.

Build 1.0.60 published september-28-2020

_removed 'made with juce' splash screen.
_added: ability to hide the bottom buttons and scrollbar to make wavform view full.
Double clic in wavform area to toggle show/hide options.
_changed: instead of visible resizable bottom right corner,
can use invisible resize right border, bottom border or bottom right of the plugin.
_improved: option so that can still continue to run and monitor signals when daw transport is stopped.
(virtually extends a running clock based on last tempo information it had)
can be enable/disabled in prefs. if disabled freeze when daw transport stops like previously.
_added: new measurement mode: if dragging with CTRL, can specify an X area to inspect and
will compute and display infos like start and end ms/smp, duration ms/smp
frequency in Hz and corresponding note name.

Build 1.0.57 -RC- published august-31-2020

added: check latest online version button.
_improved: skin: if user modifies a color, switch to user skin.
_added: online check latest version.
_added: refresh rate settings.
_added: anti-aliasing setting.
_added: grid divisions setting.
_fixed: mouse horizontal db line not showing.
_improved : peak red cross repaint. (avoid multiple cross)

Build 1.0.55

added: refresh rate settings.
added: antialiasing setting.
fixed: mouse horizontal db line not showing.
improved: peak red cross repaint. avoid multiple cross

Build 1.0.52

_made internal opti_summing option
_fixed internal 'read pos' latency offset

Build 1.0.51 beta - published august 22-2020 -

_added: New M + S mode shows mid and side channels at the same time.
_added: In layers mode, can right clic on cell to enable/disable 'show also sum' in background.
_improved: L+R and M+S now also work for layers and stack modes.
_improved: In dual types modes (LR or MS) can right clic on cell to toggle beetween stacked or overlayed type.
(if ovelayed type behind colors are made darker for better reading).