build 1.1.01
_fixed issue with intel IPP library that reduce spectral engine cpu usage by 50 %
beta 1.1.00
_rebuilt for Juce 8 with Direct2D HW acceleration, deprecated OpenGL
_ highly improved graphic perfs
_Internal: timers replaced by accurate vblank callback for best screen sync.
_Slightly more minimalistic/flat design ui
_Can now directly drag Y on selectors cells to set dry/wet
_Cutoff is now exposed to daw and can be automated from daw
_Layout with tools bars at bottom
_if bypass is on keep processor latency
_popup menus inherit screen scale if 4k/hdpi / fixed potential crashes if fast re-clicks
beta 1.0.25
_Fixed: enveloppe follower modulator timing accuracy problem if 'minimal latency' mode was engaged with spectral engine off.
beta 1.0.24
reported stable, moving to beta
_Fixed: crash in reaper if trying to listen audio sc source in lfos with a wrong daw io channels setup.
(if use SC should setup 4 tracks on reaper vst pannel 1-2: main 3-4: sc).
_Fixed: possible case of glitch in dynamics module with very low input levels.
_Improved: CURVE EDITOR fine adjust:
pressing CTRL before moving a point enter fine adjust delta/relative mode.
(applies to curve and segment editors)
_Changed: so instead of CTRL, shortcut is now SHIFT on handles to tie/untie tangents.
_Improved: Input/output volume knobs fine adjust if pressing CTRL and drag/wheel.
_Improved: Global Bypass dry/wet fine adjust if pressing CTRL and drag/wheel.
_Improved: Individual Processors Bypass dry/wet fine adjust if pressing CTRL and drag/wheel.
_Added: Double Clic on input/output knobs now shows a text popup allowing to enter precise dB values.
alpha 1.0.23
_Improved: Added "move x" and "move y" options in curve menu, so for ex if disable move x can move points only in y, locking x.
alpha 1.0.22
_Improved: Warning text in splash screen if license problem.
alpha 1.0.21
_Fixed: potentially unstable MachineId on some windows systems.
alpha 1.0.20
_Improved/fixed: if setup\keystrokes was enabled, couldn't edit the name in save preset menu.
_Improved/fixed: if a menu was open, would block keystrokes ie space to stop/play daw.
works on ableton but not in reaper/daw dependant.
_Changed: Menus Sliders mouse behaviour to be relative/vertical rather than absolute/horizontal.
think this a better one, more natural and more consistent with psylab params or psyphaz matrix/knobs/other sliders
and also allows more precision while tweaking.
also removed previous kinda perturbing behaviour of 'locking' mouse into the sliders.
( pressing ctrl and/or wheel allows even finer precision if needed,
right clic resets to default. DbleClic enter numeric value )
_Fixed: occasional bug where menus items would keep stacking when changing selected curve.
_Fixed: occasional crash if clicking repeatedly fast to show a menu.
_Improved: Copy / Paste buttons moved one level up from curve/process menu for faster access.
_Improved: Adjusting Lfos Look-head imply internal delays re-adjust and sending host notification of
updated plugin latency so host also re-adjusts pdc.
This is not recommended to change very fast/often so the update will now occur
only on mouse up rather than every time value changed while dragging the slider.
_Improved: 'Minimal mode' status now saved/recalled to daw preset datas.
alpha 1.0.19
_Copy / Paste curves now also works from / to different plugin instances.
_Fequency Grid (100, 1k, 10kz) will get more subdivised if zooming in.
_Some base fonts made slightly larger & brighter for easier reading.
_Segment type font and infos size made larger & will scale with ui scale.
_Globally more fonts will follow UI scale.
To prevent potentially unwanted double clics on 'tricky' items, CTRL key needed added to some commands:
Matrix: CTRL + double Clic resets all matrix to default.
Switcher: CTRL + double Clic popups edit sub-preset name/color menu.
_Improved behaviour when daw transport is stopped:
by default stops at current curves positions/sate with cleaner output of last values and more optimized cpu.
but another new option can be activated in setup menu:
Auto Bypass: automatically bypass all processing when pressing stop, auto re-engage when pressing play.
(can be useful ie when wanna be able to monitor input clearly at full volume ie if playing keyboard,
editing daw notes, feeding live stuff ect cause could have stoped at an lfo position that would mute volume for ex)
_Fixed: mouse wheel on global bypass controlled the dry/wet but would not repaint to update fader value.
alpha 1.0.16
_Fixed bug where correlator would still affects sound even if off if "analyse sidechain" mode was enabled instead of LR mode.
_ This "Analyse Sidechain" mode has been renamed to "SC Vs Input monos" with overlay text explaing for more clarity.
Basically by default correlator is in "LR mode", where it analyses input signal L vs R phase correlation.
The curve then allows to choose spectum parts where only L or R part will be used for mono compatibility.
If the other mode is activated, it feeds correlator L with Mono Sidechain and R with Mono Input
so can be used to temporary inspect phase correlation beetween SC and input signals.
In this mode curve is no more effective as a mono compatibilty setting and made invisible as this is an 'inspect' only mode.
_Added: Saw 'osc' segment type.
breaking: this imply re-adjust already made curves that were using step or square, (modes should be 'locked' in later beta)
_Improved cpu footprint of osc modes.
alpha 1.0.15
_Improved: Scope SC/main sync drawing.
Nb if wanna use same track as sc (which doesn't really make sense, but..)
don't route sc, use 'audio self' in lfos or envfollower audio sources settings.
as most daws don't cope with circular routing when latency is involved.
or place psyphaz on a new empty track that pick both its in/sc from the source track.
_Added: online version checker button in about section.
_Improved: from now given machineId will no be immune to HDD changes like re-partioning/changing disk/ windows re-install.
(older licenses will still work for transition period)
alpha 1.0.13
_Double Click on segments bars at bottom will make a selection matching segment,
can extend LR with shift + double click on another segment.
_Improved movable steps/lin modes XY.
_Added 'D' shorcut to toggle draw mode on/off.
_Changing cursor if draw mode.
_Memorize if was in minimal mode or not on ui close/re-open.
_Changed behaviour in curve editor:
Double clic:
if in empty zone will insert newpoint at mouse position.
if over a main point will delete point.
Right clic:
if in empty zone will slice segment.
if over a tan point popups tan menu.
if over a main point deletes point.
Middle clic:
shows the general cuve menu.
or a new icon at right edge of selector bar has been added.
_Increased needed points mouse proximity radius for easier grab.
_Hilight mouve over point made of round shape for mains, square for tans.
_If lin mode, moving point a center of line will move the whole line.
_If step mode, moving left main point won't affect step Y.
_Improved draw mode behaviour for selecting 'nearest in x' for non step modes.
_If draw mode, will show a text indicating we are in draw mode.
_After insert/delete/draw will perform extra curve 'sanity' checks.
_Stops writing to scope if daw transport is stopped.
_By default switching to some 'osc' sin/tri/square segment type will show a dft shape.
_When mouse wheel on a tan to switch modes, mouse will follow/remain on tangent for fast switching.
_If manipulating a tan in 'osc' seg type, will display text of values
(amplitude-freq-fades IO) for better clues.
_Editing locked if cv is off to save cpu/gpu.
_Keystokes/shortcuts can be enabled/disabled in setup menu.
alpha 1.0.08
_Fixed FL bug if loading in FL patcher.
_Fixed potential glitchs in modulations if multi-instances.
_Segment handles squares slightly larger for easier grab.
_Segment section: mouse cursor will change depending on what item is under
for better visual clue of what action will be performed.
_When Hilighting a main point, normal delete is Rclic but can also use supp key.
_If selecting points can press supp to delete all selected points.
_Added keyboard shorcuts (for daws supporting them)
A select all points.
Z Undo
R Redo
I Init curve
C copy curve
V paste curve
Y invert curve in Y axis
X invert curve in X axis
supr if over a main point delete the point and its tangents.
supr if over a tan point resets to pseudo-linear merging tangents at segment center.
if a tan point is hi-lighted, can quickly switch segment type with mouse wheel or keys CTRL+ 0-7, or double click for menu showing modes.
(0: bezier2, 1: bezier1, 2: quadratic, 3: linear, 4: sin, 5: tri, 6: square, 7: step)
NB: it's possible some daws won't allow keys commands they use for themselves in some cases.
alpha 1.0.06
_ fixed bug that would create noise if more than one instance modulating volume.
_Rclic on DW faders resets to default.
alpha 1.0.05
_fixed bug where init/undo/redo buttons would trigger wrong command.
alpha 1.0.04
_state switcher cellz can now be affected
and display custom user names and colors (double clic to edit).
alpha 1.0.03
_fixed potential crashs in the lfo menus.
_fixed default matrix init.
_made resize corner invisible.
_double click in scope will toggle "minimal view":
hides/shows top program bar, bottom switcher, right matrix.
and auto resize the plugin accordingly to preserve visual ratio.
_Programs Bar:
"L" Load button have been moved inside program list to avoid redundancy.
"Init" button have been moved farther from master knob.
_Input & master knobs: shows bigger "M" rather than very small "mute" when muted.
alpha 1.0.02 //first public alpha
_ability to preview/listen to env follower filtered version.
_Buttons with matrix sources names and ability to toggle on/off each source.
_optimized various repaints
_optimized matrix computation
_changed FIR phase behaviour to (cv * depth ) + broadband. rather than (cv+broadband)*depth.
so it's easier to set phase via curve, then eventually roll it all.
alpha 1.0.01
_ fixed a latency / lfo trig bug
_ added a pan setting in corrolometer
_ meters can display above 0 dB in dyna
_ shaper in vu shows gain corrected one rather than pre
_ shaper/dyna gains sliders more progressive around 0 dB
_ draw mode for quickset curve steps
_ Env follower can be pre-filtered LP,HP,BP
allows ie kick sub ducks bass subs. (or unlink)