Build 1.3.031
_Fixes clicking issue in main filter if using ahdsr with release overlaping next note.

Build 1.3.030 - minor update, can be skip
_fix error in vst3 vesion showing v1.028 instead of 1.029 but internal code was same

Build 1.3.029 -RC- :

_all early beta bugs fixed, moving to Release

_New 1.3 presets added 90 KBB pgm/snp - 41 poly pgm exemples

_Sampler will now load stereo files without merging them to mono.
so on osc can pick either M, L or R. if pressing "make stereo"
on poly mode, Left voice will play L of sample and R voice R.

_Poly mode can now operate on 4 different setup types:
4x unlinked (default like psylab 1.0): each sound is independent
poly 4 : 0 constrols all sounds.
01|23 : 0 controls 1, 2 controls 3.
01|2|3 : 0 controls 1, 2 and 3 are independent

_Curve Editor : New Vectorizer with best fitting algoritms.
Process menu "Vectorize": allows to reduce a curve nb of points.
for ex simplify pitch/amps curve when generated from a kick sample.
or rasterize/convert a curve when its not cubic bezier to cubic bezier.

_Curve Editor: can now import a recorder automation to a curve
Process menu "import seq lane".
means can for ex record automation, convert it to bezier
and simplify with the vectorizer.

_Curve editor: added bit more padding to make it easier select close to bounds points

_Flanger and Phaser minimum rate can now be set to 0.
(this allows ie assign custom lfo, manual flangers etc overriding internal lfo..)

_Improved: reduced cpu of FFT engine.

_Fixed: potential crash in osc filters.
_Fixed: when changing Tabs in certain order, curve selector bottom could be incorrect.
_Fixed: if several seqs were runing the rate selector could display not the current sound one only
_Improved: When vectorizing a sample to bezier pitch will be same as sample even if different SR is used.
_Embeds important libraries so doesn't rely anymore on user having vcc redistribuables.

Build 1.3.025
_fixed paint issues that would make unnecessary repaints when scope synced to cv
or presets lists open, potentially slowing down ui
_fixed directly updating pitch curve when adjusting min/max
_fixed dark default skin load on new installs would still
load grey legacy skin on cv editor.

Build 1.3.024
_fixed cases where even if unsynced scope would change on curve changes
_fixes crash when pressing ctrl on cv editor points

Build 1.3.023 Beta 04/11/204

_Rebuild for juce 8 with Direct2D HW acceleration, massive graphics perf boost.
_New dual view allow to see both curve editor and params sections.
_New Automatic phase realign and keytrack only after maker.
_New Poly Mode to make a master voice control the 4x parts, that can then
have some parameters unlinked.
_New audio input : can route audio track to psylab, and set oscillator to "audio in"
this allows to visualize ie an extrenal bass on the scope and phase kick or
apply curve sidechain/fx etc...
_New sampler loop points and curve cycler loop points.
_New sync scope and zoom cv: if on scope will always match current cv length.
_New menu to regenerate kicks and splits, with crop options.
i nluding generate kick, split sub/hi layer to second oscillator or sound, and linear phase.
_Master limiter: can now double clic/drag/wheel to edit values.
onoff button also now allows to set threshold if drag Y.
_Soft clip modes: soft clippers modules more options like soft/hard clip, drive and gain.
_New per osc filters, lp,hp,bp,notch,peak,hi/lo shelf, all pass.. 35 types
can be automated and modulated with cv, lfos, eg, etc..
_New UI minimal mode, splitters to adjust scope size.
_New Pan voice: can now pan each sound at end of chain.
can be automated, lfo assigned etc..
_Scope: can scale scope waveform via Mclick.
_better wave viewer from psyscope.
_added freeze button, right clic bounce content to wav
_wheel in relevant scope buttons functions.
_Antialiasing: updated, simplified and more efficient AA.
_Declicker: will fade out current note first if a new note is triggered before note ended.
_Sequencer: internal sequencer can respond / send same midi sequence to different sounds
_can now hide master from main pgm toolbar.
_LFOS can pick a curve from another sound, ie for crossfades.
_Curve Editor: mid clic on main point resets tans to flat.
can now scale/extend cv duration preserving timming / also pitch env ranges.
_OSC xtra amp cv duration now shown in ms, and can use the curve set duration.
_UI: can unlock aspect ratio, freely scale XY.
_fixed clock issue in usine hh 6
_added option in prefs to enable/diable fade in on first launch.

Build 2909 10/09/2023

_Fixed: rare possible license bug on some specific computers.
_Rebuild with juce 7.0.6 - better draw perf

Build 2907 09/06/2023

_Fixed: bug introduced in earlier update where to get osc A keytrack both A and B needed to be on rather than only A.

Build 2906 14/05/2023

_Fixed: Potentially unstable MachineId on some windows systems.

Build 2905 23/03/2023

_Fixed: potential bug where multi-output buffers would not be cleared and could output noise in some daws or while switching presets
that had a different set of sounds enabled/disabled. (for ex FL enables all outputs by default)

Build 2903 23/02/23

_Fixed online version checker back-end http 503 problem.
_Improved: from now given machineId will no be immune to HDD changes like re-parttioning/changing disk/windows re-install.
(older licenses will still work for transition period)
_added internal dbg commands.

Build 2902 23/02/2023

_Fixed online version checker back-end http 503 problem.
_Improved: from now given machineId will no be immune to HDD changes like re-parttioning/changing disk/windows re-install.
(older licenses will still work for transition period)
_added internal dbg commands.

Build 2902 28/12/2022

_internal: updated to rebuild with juce 7.c++17.vs19. better graphic n overall perf.
updated deprecated stuff.
_improved: using intel ipp for FFT.
_fixed: important bug in vst3 version on independant multi outputs.
_added: ability to choose a different pitch curve than osc A for osc B now in pitch settings.
_added: ability to choose osc A and B hue in preferences and save to skin.
_fixed: bug would make unnecessary large repaints in param editor.
_improved: scope scroller zoom got now "sliced zoom" behaviour, centering zoom relating to cursor position.
_improved: in params tab, global sound section, shows the note and Hz in both fixed and now also keytrack modes.
_added: if for some reason need size menu and cannot be reached using top right icon, can right-clic on psylab title

Build 2897 23/01/2022

_New: vst3 build.
_New: auto extract pitch and amp curves from reference kick and generate beziers.
_improved: preset load/browse much faster in vst versions.
_fixed: if swiching presets from ui, master parameters would not reflect changes in daw.
_fixed: if using external .vstpresets ie from daw, ui would update but not daw sliders.
_fixed: seq would not init when choosing all on init sound button.
_improved: midi leds on sound could remain on when switching a sound off.
_improved: fixed zoom data lablels offsets.
_improved: slight crossfade when enabling/disabling Ref file toggle to avoid clics.
_improved: auto trim ref file if silence at the end.
_improved: wav to cv function now working by section.
operations like calculate/refine cuve, linearize tangents, flatten ect can be done on selected section only now.
_added: wave to curve flatten tangents function.

Build 2869 07/07/2021

_fixed: Problem with resize corner in vst version. full screen disabled in vst version.

Build 2867 12/06/2021

_changed: when using init PGM, also reset to default sound names (0,1,2,3).
_fixed: LFOs modulation could be dragged both by the "+" icon or the wavform display,
but when using wavform display could toggle unwanted on/off of the lfo.
Problem was also present on aux ahdsr. fixed
_fixed: BITWIG studio: resize corner would not work in bitwig host.
_added: Params menu: when zooming with mouse wheel, there is a temporary timer lock to prevent
wheel to unadvertently set parameters that could take place under cursor.
now a text informs that it's currently locked and disapear once unlocked.
_fixed: when bouncing wav or midi file, the drag file text would be same color as background,
so not visible on top bar.

Build 2833 04/05/2021

_fixed: crash in NI maschine daw when pressing restart.
_fixed: crash in Tracktion Waveform 11 Pro when offline rendering.
_fixed: when using ref file, wav display lines could be offseted in curve editor.

_improved: better maximize/minimize behaviour in standalone app.
_added: size menu button.

_improved: scope: double click in wavform area toggles show/hide buttons.
_added: scope: CTRL is measure mode, ALT is measure mode + will auto zoom on section.
_added: scope: new style button to show scope curves as stroke / fill / both.
_improved: scope: sync settings (ie beat/bar) are saved to prefs on exit and recalled on reload.
_improved: scope: mode settings (ie sum/layers) are saved to prefs on exit and recalled on reload.
_improved: scope: style settings (ie stroke/fill) are saved to prefs on exit and recalled on reload.

_added: option to use both XY (dft), or restrict X or Y mouse delta to set parameters tab faders in prefs.
_added: option to hide scope infos (peak, dc, buffer size) in prefs.

_added: New Scope section in preferences allows user to customize:
Sum hue, and global saturation, luminosity, alpha for both stroke and fill.

_added: new Skin support. 5x included skins and possibility to edit user text file to edit 923+ layout properties.

Build 2772 12/11/2020

_fixed: on vst version, in some cases, when using bounce sound to wav, the second window that
let user specify file name could be hidden under the gui.

_fixed: avoid potential rare crash in internal frequency to note name function.

_added: More convert functions (note name /midi code to ms, Hz, beats, samples ect..)

_Changed: Could have glitches in sampler one shot mode when manipulating pitch.
Sampler phase/pitch system has been changed so that now can be 'tuned' with shape param.
Drawback is patch using sampler could need re-tweak.
Setting shape at 0.0 should reflect previous behavior.


_improved: scope better zoom n pan behaviour.


_added: cv editor: ability to rename curve name via double clic.

_improved: cv editor: better horizontal zoom n pan behaviour 'slice' proportion type rather than always centered.
more adaptative zoom. can press CTRL for fine pan.
fixed: could shift/jump when zooming full with mouse wheel, or when changing from zoomY to panX in a single move.
Can now also use Shift and drag in curve editor for zoom if no selection.

_added: cv editor: can double clic on a point marker to edit precise XY values via keyboard.
If pitch enveloppe, can specify Y value in Hz, semitones or via note name.
If amp enveloppe, can specify Y value in Db, or 0-1 factor.
If timed env, can specify X in ms.

_improved: curve editor: if a tangent point is very close to main point,
would sometimes making it hard to hilight the main point when hovering.
globally improved closest point selection.

_added: new OSC mode: CV read 1one shot as if was a sample.


_improved/changed: OSC SYNC:
in 'note' mode was not consistant depending on osc and global octaves.
Oversampling setting would have an octave effet in 'beat' mode.
the new behaviour are much more relevant following octaves/oversampling settings.
Side effect is old patchs using sync could potentially need re-adjust.

_improved: when undo/redo will tab to the recalled slot tab (curve/parameters/seq).
(previously would not tab to sequencer).

_improved: params editor: if cliquing on init button, asks what wanna init(all, curves, params, seq..)

_improved: auto close groups if switching them off.

_added: New cross visuals on modulators parameters that can be dragged.
Now all modulators can be dragged with Left clic if clicking on the cross.
midi sidechain, comp sidechain, vel and seq vol can now also be dragged to other
params as shorcuts within the params editor.
Since the middle button is no more used for modulations drag,
it is used as PAN/ZOOM engage.
Automatically deploy/switch on matrix.
Automatically deploy/switch on lfos

_changed: imported samples are normalised by default.
(they were in early psylab version, then a coding error went in..)
side effect: old patches using samples could need volume adjust.
Two options have been added to prefs/audio engine if wanna use old system.
(sampler normalize, and sampler reduce -6db when stereo to mono).

/////////// SAMPLE EDITOR

_added: New more precise sample editor for sampler/cycler engine. clic the 'e' button to open.
a button 'snap to zero crossing' allow to snap to nearest in/out zero crossings.
New wavform samples to cv approximation convertor:
Computes an highly reduced points count version curve with best match/refinement algorithms
than can then be used ie as an oscillator cv and further tweaked.

_improved: Drawing on lanes could 'miss' steps if moving fast.
highly improved draw behaviour. internal optimisations.

_internal: various painting optimisations.

Build 2697 17/10/2020

_fixed: Master Limiter was not working after 2696 update.

Build 2696 14/10/2020

_changed: removed "made with juce" splash screen.
_added: new param switch to enable/disable a sound output to main 1-2 bus.
ie if using separated individual outputs and wanna mute the sound in the main bus keeping only the individual output.
_improved: max undos slots extended from 20 to 30. Rclic on undo shows an history list.
history list: clic a slot to recall. Cen use mouse wheel to undo/redo.
_changed: if undoing a master param change, won't change current tab.
_fixed: changing fx orders was not stored in undo.
_improved: more warnings on operations that can't be un-done and that will now clear history.
(ie sound init, sound paste, pgm init ect).
_added: on pro version shows warning if license problem that settings won't be saved.
_changed: if using main load or write buttons in top bar, ask what kind of preset wanna load/save.
_added: ability to ZOOM n Scroll in the parameters tab.
Shift + wheel = zoom, Shift + drag = scroll. Or clic /wheel in empty area.
if right clic on background toggle bettween zoomed/unzommed state.
_changed: on scope both right clic or doubleclic will reset zoom to full.
_changed: in params editor, if double clic in BG = fold/unfold active groups (was Rclic)
Rclic is now toggle zoomed/unzommed.
_added: scope: new measure mode. press CTRL and drag to define X region and display infos
like region duration in ms/sample, corresponding cycle frequency in Hz and corresponding note.

Build 2665 30/08/2020

_improved: Max Ui size has been increased from full HD max to 4k max.
_added: Right clic on the maximize button now shows a popup menu with various Ui size presets.

_improved: Scope: a new button allow to set scope size directly on the scope rather than go to about tab.
when changing scope size, the scroller height will follow ui size but no more than 20 pixels
to preserve max draw region for the wavform area.

_improved: All dialogs popups are now centered in the plugin even if placed on non main monitor.
they were mostly ok in standalone but not on vst.

_improved: if swapping a sound, will reselect then end position sound.

_added: A new 'updates' button in about tab allows to quick check for available online updates / if running latest version.
and/or show latest changelogs directly in psylab interface.
Also by default its disabled, but if want can also enable an 'auto check updates' option in preferences, and psylab will
first instance will check if there are updates at startup and in case notify user on the blue splash/log screen
and at bottom right of the inteface. (Both need an active internet connection to work properly tho).

_improved: Bounce sound to wav function now works with dependancies.
So if a sound depends on other sounds (ie bass ducked by kick midi / audio sidechain) , it will auto check/track what
other sounds are needed and internally render them too to apply the sidechain correctly as heared during the render.
Bounce Sound wav/midi lists now shows current sound names ie 'kick', 'bass', rather than 'sound 0', 'sound 1' ect..

_fixed: In frequency shifter, depending on mode, entering keyboard value would be wrongly translated.

_added: CURVE EDITOR: if right clic on 'wave', clears the current sound note/wav buffer.

_improved: CURVE EDITOR: can now use ALT to fast enable/disable snap while dragging points, markers or selection,
snap on grid before slice ect..

_fixed: CURVE EDITOR: slice to grid function wrong behaviour.

_changed: CURVE EDITOR: When init a pgm, snp or curve, curves will have default duration set to 1/16th at current tempo rather than 100ms.
Right clicking on duration fader resets to default 1/16th.

_improved: CURVE EDITOR: if an oscillator is using FFT engine, and 'A:phase B:mag' mode, both curves BinsA and BinsB
will show a bin representation.

_improved: PARAMS EDITOR: if a mod source is not a fader (ie lfos, ahdsr, osc) can now drag it directly with left button too.
if its a fader have to use middle button (ie pitch bend, mod wheel, macros)

_added: 2x New modulation sources: midi and comp sidechain.
(so ie can now be used to modulate something else than volume, for ex Dynamic Eq bass ducking of bass when kick hits).

_fixed: when using fixed pitch, the note name/Hz would not update.

_added: Notch & band mode in smooth filter

_added: fixed/improved and re-introduced Portamento. In pitch settings are new portamento mode and time params.
mode let man choose between being off, on(smooth) or glide(stepped).
so if remoting from daw and notes overlap, will make a glide of specified duration (10ms to 10s).

Internal Seq has been updated to profit of portamento too:
_Now a note gate can be extended even after next notes.
_Notes can be more freely moved, only restriction is no 2x notes with same trigger grid positions.

changed: SEQ: better behaviour when changing from a binary to ternary rate, gates are scaled to keep
same 'relative' length.

improved SEQ: if drawing notes via middle clic, if manipulating current playing note will trig a panic to prevent stuck note.

_added: SEQ: new panic button in case some stuck note could still pass. will kill current playing notes.
alternatively for global interface can doubleclic on keyboard for panic.

_changed: SEQ: rate can now be individually set per pattern.
_added: SEQ: internal Seq pattern number is now exposed to daw and can be automated, and/or midi remoted.
_added: SEQ: A new seq group in params menu allows to quick acces pattern number and rate from there too and eventually be modulated.
_changed: SEQ: fill function behaviour: if left clic will fill 2xmore each time, if right clic 2xless.
_added: SEQ: when/if enabling notes in scalor, hilight them in green in pianoroll.
ie can be used to decide a scale and know where to place notes.
_improved: SEQ: lanes params list: removed all parameters that can't be automated to be less crowded.

_improved: MIDI MAP menu: removed all parameters that can't be automated to be less crowded.

_added: key shortcut for global mute 'm'.

_improved: global ui items to follow global scale improvements (ie: preset folders, sound name editor in params menu).

_improved: If using modulator in oscillator mode, hides irrelevant params.

_improved: Reduced internal EQ, Antialiasing filters and dsp filter memory footprint and computations.
to save Cpu, Eq modulations were previously computed/updated at bloc rate, but that would make possible
'flickering' and lack of precision if using a large bloc size.
Now using static sub blocs size/rate of 32 samples( internally smoothed ),wich make fast and tight modulations possibles.

Build 2625 03/08/2020

_improved: StandAlone: Draging tempo or using mouse wheel by default inc/decr in 1 unit steps.
Now if pressing Ctrl will be 0.1 steps, if pressing Ctrl+Alt will be 0.01 precision steps.

_added: PGM: pressing 'Ctrl+s' or 'w' shows the write/save program dialog in standalone (will depend on daws for vst)
_improved: When using the 'export oscillator content' or 'bounce sound to wav', or midi, by default file name will be
pre-filled with name_of_the_program.extension if the program was saved/named, (otherwise will be 'export.ext').
if bouncing sound, name will be prefilled [name_of_pgm]_[name_of_sound].wav.

_improved: Curve Editor: the '+' button to affect synced durations shows much more templates.
_added: Curve Editor: Can copy a curve and paste it after another curve/stitch via new process menu function 'paste after'.
_fixed: Possible crash if using shape generation menu while in draw mode.

_added: Params editor: Can now directly drag'n drop a curve to a parameter, will auto add a new matrix slot.
_added: Params editor: if using Middle mouse button can drag'n drop an lfo, adsr, macro, osc, pitch_bend, mod_wheel
to another parameter and will auto add a new matrix slot.

_fixed: Scope: if using auto scale mode, the 0db lines and green dot on wave could not be at correct positions.

_fixed: SEQ: Wrong init in demo version would make steps filled instead of empty at launch.
_fixed: SEQ: When clicking in pianoroll scroller would store an undo slot wich is not relevant.
_added: SEQ: New Swing function. add adjustable groove.
swing settings (on, division, force) can be set individually per pattern and stored/recalled in presets.
_added: SEQ: New 'jump to bar' function. If using a long chainor, ie 8 bars, can double clic on a
chainor cell to make clock jump to that position. Usefull ie to not always wait the cycle.
_added: SEQ: PianoRoll: New 'draw shift notes', if drawing with middle mouse button, shift existing notes.
usefull to transpose several notes in one shot.
_improved: SEQ: Scalor: if Right clic disable all notes that were enabled.
_added: SEQ: PianoRoll: New 'draw vels', if drawing with middle mouse button in gates/vels area.
_fixed: SEQ: In some situations right clicking would reset loop in/outs even if not on the loop item.
_improved: SEQ: Pressing L clic on randomize lane randomizes, R clic resets to center.
_improved: SEQ: If right clic in lane background, draging resets all to mouse position and now shows the reset value.
_improved: SEQ: If drawing in lane now shows the drawing value.
_added: SEQ: New lanes toolbar allows to Clear all assigns, reset, randomize, copy, paste ect.. lanes only patterns.
_added: SEQ: Lanes have a selected button. If selected will be affected by the tools, and receive datas ie from presets.
If unselected they won't receive datas. Ie usefull to load notes datas only keeping lanes unchanged.
_improved: SEQ: On pianoroll default 'paste', 'to all' and 'D' affect both pattern notes and lanes datas. if R clic doesn't affect lanes.
_added: SEQ: An x2 function as been added wich basically doubles a patern.
ie useful if made a half bar patern and want it to be same but on a bar.
_added: SEQ: Lanes show an horizontal midle line as reference.
_improved: SEQ: Lanes can be reset in 3 ways: double click on background, right clic on 'R', or if rightclic on BG
the reset value is cursor position.
_improved: SEQ: A 'panic' function kills playing notes if manipulating them to avoid hanging notes
but was too sensitive in gates section, ie killing while manipulating vel wich is not problematic.
_added: SEQ: If pressing SHIFT while drawing on an automation, will draw steps rather than lines.
(if left clic will make 16 steps, if right clic 8)
_added: SEQ: Lanes: new quantize/stepify function, ie useful to randomize lane then 'stepify' it to 8 or 16 steps.
(if left clic will make 16 steps, if right clic 8)
_added: SEQ: Lanes: new Blur function: blur/smooth the steps.
_added: SEQ: Lanes: new Normalize function: normalizes the steps to full range.
_added: SEQ: Lanes: new Invert function: invert the lane datas in Y axis.
_added: SEQ: Lanes: new Reverse function: invert the lane datas in X axis.
_improved: SEQ: Pianoroll. Auto zoom/scroll function would put notes at the bottom, now more centered.
_changed: SEQ: If using non power of 2 loop length, prevously would 'realign' to power of two after some time.
now can have length of 3,5,7 whatever up to 32 steps loop sequence lengths.

Build 2610 17/07/2020

_fixed: Bounce sound to wav would make the output file always 44.1k, now uses current working samplerate.
_fixed: In special circumstances at specific tempis and especially high non 44.1k samplerates some internal sequencer notes drop outs could occur.
_fixed: Potential crash if trying to bounce at 96-192k very long durations.
_improved: Reference file function to work at any samplerate for both file and project.
(if the ref file is different SR than working SR, will be resampled via lagrange interpolation)
so can extract its pitch and amp envellopes accurately. improved pitch env estimation algo precision.
ref file is normalized then can now adjust playback volume via drag Y on the button.
ie for easier A-B match/compare bettween ref and worked kick.
_added: Each oscillator modulator can now pick the other oscillator as source.
means FM/PM/RM/AM, phase warp and amp warp can be controlled by the other oscillator.
_added: New Fast SVF filter type, good behaviour to fast modulations/envellopes.
_added: New option in prefs allow to disable log startup splash screen.
_added: Last used Ui size will be stored in prefs xml, and reloaded when re-opening Standalone or vst daw project.
_added: Last used user folder for wav/midi files export is now stored in prefs xml, and will be the default one on
reopening standalone / vsti new instance.
_changed: If seq is stopped in standalone, show "stopped" rather than ppq number keeping increasing.
(if vst does same if daw transport is stopped)
_improved: Mouse moves main axis detection that could lead to scrollers extremity occasional unwanted shifts.
_added: All major curve editor options (Default Link Tangents, show wave, show nodes datas, and show cursor)
user choices are now stored in .xml on exit and recalled on reopening.
_changed: removed options in prefs wich are already on interface (ie show scope, keyboard, waves in curve editor)
to be less crowded.
Preferences are now organized in sub-sections (Ui, audio, vu-meters ect..).
_fixed: SEQ: vst :if using non power of two chainor length, ie 3, at some point would reset/loop at wrong position as was using a modulo of 8 bars.
(note the standalone still resets its clock each 32 bars to keep precision).
_improved: Increased text luminosity and text size in midi assign menu, text size will increase if increasing ui size.
_improved: Scope datas text behaviour if resizing ui.
_improved: Pitch cv min/max buttons text will scale with ui.
_improved: Fx order text will scale with ui.
_improved: If changing pitch cv min/max, values are stored in undo before modifications.
_impoved: by default when loading an SQP preset, it loads all the datas of the 8 patterns.
now if pressing CTRL, it will load the presets datas patern 0 only on currently selected patern, preserving the others.
useful ie to change only a patern loading templates.
_improved: When loading a new SQP preset sequencer scroller will auto adjust to show the contained notes.
_improved: When loading a new SQP preset will internally force all older notes stop to avoid hanging notes.

Build 2605 01/07/2020 RC

_Rebuild with juce 6.0.
_fixed: when displaying nodes datas, would not repaint if changing pitch env min/max via buttons.
_fixed: when init a sound seq could mute other sounds.
_changed: note name with cents display to be -49..+50 around center note arther than 0-100 around 'floor' note.
_changed: scope wave display line slightly less thin.
_changed: points datas higher size and contrast.
_changed: status to Release.

Build 2600 28/05/2020 *3rd public BETA

_added: new plugin midi output.
_added: plugin can now send internal sequencer notes real time to midi out to daw. (option in prefs)
each sound sequence sent to its own defined midi channel.
_added: plugin can now offline bounce a specified sound internal sequencer midi notes
to a specified duration midi file. (ie export 8 bars with chainor one shot rather than each pattern one after the other).
_improved bounce wav and midi select current sound by default.
_improved: if re-opening a project with saved datas PGM title shows "reloaded" rather than init wich could be misleading.
_fixed: potential crash in export fonctions.
_fixed: sequencer pianoroll could ocasionally get 'stucked' not reacting to mouse after erasing some notes.
_added: process cv: new compress X left or right modes.
_improved: params menu readability: Parameters made slightly bigger so leave a bit more room around fonts, less packed.
_fixed: if using a fixed pitch rather than keytrack, on maximizing full screen the note info would not correctly repaint.
_changed: Scope has been updated to behave like psyscope:
clicking left in the wawform enters zoom/pan mode. Y is zoom X is pan. Right clic resets zoom.
makes it faster to navigate/inspect some areas.
_better antialiasing method, reduce "spikes lines" or "holes" that could appear at transient /hi freq content.
_reduced AA computations.
_shows ms, beat and samples positions.
_0db lines indicators, and a line following mouse cusor shows db at that line y pos.
_improved: if changing sound selection or tab sequencer will auto-zoom/focus to active notes.
_improved: scope can set 1 more option size bigger.
_fixed: using mouse wheel on seq pianoroll would scroll but not repaint scroller.
_added: New modulation and lfo source 'Note Length' outputs 'known in advance' build in sequencer note lenth.
note length maps from 0 to 1.0 = quarter of a sequencer current page duration.
_improved: On cv editor pitch curve min/max if double clicking can enter value in semitones
but now can also type in Hz or NoteName ie "A#3" and it will compute and affect closest semitones equivalent.
_fixed: wrong cents display if using negative octaves.
_improved: on adsr params would need to change values to see them. now they are shown if just clic too.
_changed: wavform in curve editor slightly boosted alpha/luminosity.
_improved: in curve editor, if showing nodes datas, sometimes part of text could be hidden on top.
_improved: curve editor: grid 'synced' values ie 1/16 1/8 ect and ms text slightly boosted in luminosity.

Build 2578 06/05/2020 *2nd public BETA

_fixed: vst: ui could occasionally fail/crash to re-open if closed on a different tab than curve editor.
_fixed: vst: ui would not correctly repaint seq if closing/re-opening on sequencer tab.
_fixed: sound name would not always repaint when loading a .snp preset.
_fixed: individual .snp presets sound names were not always corresponding/meaningfull in lead and fx folders.
_fixed: seq: pressing + to shift notes up could make note number go to 128 limit rather than 127 midi limit.
_fixed: standalone: timing issue wich could make internal seq occasionally miss triggers at specific tempis.
_changed: legato mode is not working as expected, causing occasional notes miss and has been temp removed
by waiting its fully debugged.
_improved: undo slots have been extended from 10 to 20.
_improved: seq: 'important' steps visually more contrasted/hilighthed ie 16-8-4 or 12-6-3.
_improved: seq: sequencer is no longer completely darken when disabled so can still edit notes when off.
_improved: if exporting midi or wav file, user chosen folder will be remembered and re-used on next calls.
_improved: cv editor: slightly more contrasted/saturated elements, ie curves, mouse datas, seg names..
_improved: when exporting oscilloscope content, will export accordingly to oscilloscope mode.
if sound mode : export only currently selected sound;
if note mode: export currently selected sound last note content.
else export alls sounds master suming;
(so globally export what is currently seen in the oscilloscope display 'what you see is what ya get').
_changed: "ignore note off" parameter renamed to "ignore note end" + on/off to make it less confusing and see state.
_changed: simplified options: show transport, show keyboard key and cv transport options are always on by default
but their state is stored in xml and can still be eventually edited.
_changed: reduced default fps mode to fast rather than ultra for leaving more room to daw repaint
in potentially slower configurations/setups by defaut. can be adjusted.
_changed: right clic on sound header no more display slow to navigate tree with boring popup^^
but a much faster and efficient preset list like the context one.
_improved: demo version: splash screen shows a remainder that state won't be saved on exit on demo version.
_improved: full version: license file can now also be directly drag and dropped to the plugin.
_changed: all psy basses .snp have been resaved with sidechain comp/midi off by default cause depends of
sound load position and sidechain source configuration and could be misleading.
_in_testing: opengl use hardware accelleration option in preferences.

Build 2573 30/04/2020 *first public BETA

_added: if using fixed rather than keytrack, a text shows note name and frequency.
_fixed: filter response occasional ui glitches.
_improved: dsp filter beavious with fast envellopes.
_fixed: crash if pressing paste cv while there wasn't one copied first.
_fixed internal: bug if requesting hi fibonnacci number term if cv had lots of points.
_added: button to reset preferences to default.
_improved: option to independently load master params /bpm or not in presets.
_internal: osc sampler wavfiles path are stored as relative path in presets if located in any psylab subdir.
_added: show sample db value under mouse cursor in oscilloscope.
_fixed: 12/8 grid overlay higlight in sequencer was each 4 steps instead of 6.
_fixed: 12/8 seq: using fill would fill each 12,4,3 now 12,6,3.
_improved: sound peak in params menu is colored depending on value.
_improved: spectralizer params smoothing.
_changed: process cv: fibonacci spacing changed to use serie 1,2,3,5,8,13 ect rather than 1,1,2,3,5,8..
_added: process cv: bit like fibonnacci but harmonic repartition mode. (segment length being 1,2,3,4,5 and so on)
_improved: reduced nb of files scan when changing presets.